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Spinning with Turkish Spindles: Singles to Plying

My second Fiber Arts related course through FiberyGoodness. This self paced course can be started at any time, and has three sections: S...

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

SQUEEE!!!!! The color is back! I stopped wearing my dyed clip ins as the color had faded due to my own fault of using a non compatible shampoo. I finally decided to try out @overtonecolor conditioner samplers to see how well it could improve the color on them and I was pleasantly surprised. I used a mixture of Extreme Teal and Extreme Green. It was a ton of fun to paint it on and it brought so much life back. I'm going to have to pick up the Deep Treatment as well to help put some more color punch back into these extensions. I got them from @cloud9jewels and have had them for 5 years. It's amazing how nicely they are holding up. Now that I know the Overtone stuff is great I'm foreseeing getting some more extensions to add even more color knowing I'll be able to keep that color going strong. ♥ #hairextensions #dyedhairextensions #overtonecolor #overtoneconditioner #overtoneextremegreen #overtoneextremeteal

Bringing out another oldie! This is from July 6th of 2011 about 3 months before I got my Majacraft Aura and about 4 and a half years after I started spinning. My spinning at this point was a lot thicker than I normally spin now and definitely quite inconsistent. It wasn't until I got my Majacraft Aura at the end of September that my yarns started getting thinner and thinner. The setup for the wheel was so much different than on my Wee Peggy pictured here which led me to relearning about how to set up your wheel to best suit whatever sort of spinning you would like to do. I also acquired my first Jenkins spindle at the same time which I firmly believe is what helped me the most with my consistency through the process of winding the singles on layer by layer. It's amazing how spinning with new tools can completely change how you spin and help you grow.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Absolutely love everything @abundantearthfiber does! Their booth is always gorgeous. I of course had to stop by a few times to admire and squish the yarn. #abundantearthfiber #fiberfusion #fiberfusionnw #fiberfusion2018 #handspunstagram #spinstagram #igspinners #spinnersofinstagram #handspun #handspunyarn #fiberfeature #wemakeyarn #fiberyfun365

This little llama boy was absolutely adorable! #fiberfusion #fiberfusionnw #fiberfusion2018

@allenrberry demonstrating spindle spinning at Fiber Fusion Northwest. Allen is an amazing spindle maker and woodcarver. #fiberfusion #fiberfusionnw #fiberfusion2018

Beautiful spindles by @allenrberry at Fiber Fusion Northwest.

@stillyriveryarns meet up at Fiber Fusion Northwest. Thanks so much Lindsey for bringing the Device along. #fiberfusion #fiberfusionnw #fiberfusion2018 #stillyriveryarns #handspunstagram #spinstagram #igspinners #spinnersofinstagram #handspun #handspunyarn #fiberfeature #wemakeyarn #fiberyfun365

One of the biggest highlights of Fiber Fusion Northwest for me was getting to meet Betty Roberts! I've seen a few of her gorgeous wheels over the years usually at St. Distaff's Day but had never met her in person. She is an absolute treasure and so are her wheels. #FiberFusion #FiberFusionNW #FiberFusion2018 #berryroberts #berryrobertswheel #handspunstagram #spinstagram #igspinners #spinnersofinstagram #handspun #handspunyarn #fiberfeature #wemakeyarn #fiberyfun365

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Absolutely adore the new tags sewn into the mesh bags as well as the AkerKate bags. The tags are laser etched and the pop of color is so pretty. #handspunstagram #spinstagram #igspinners #spinnersofinstagram #handspun #handspunyarn #fiberfeature #wemakeyarn #fiberyfun365 #Akerworks #AkerworksModularSpindle #AkerworksLotus

SQUEEE!!!!! An extremely awesome package arrived from @akerworks! The brand new Lotus whorls are gorgeous and the brand new bag is so cool with its snazzy red accents especially the new tags which are laser etched! Thanks Adan and the team, for the wonderful package! #handspunstagram #spinstagram #igspinners #spinnersofinstagram #handspun #handspunyarn #fiberfeature #wemakeyarn #fiberyfun365 #Akerworks #AkerworksModularSpindle #AkerworksLotus

This will always be one of my favorite photos of Ella the Wee Peggy and Aura. Taken February 25th, 2012 about 5 months after I adopted Aura. I love how despite being both made in New Zealand they are so drastically different. They are both truly wonderful wheels. ❤️ #handspunstagram #spinstagram #igspinners #spinnersofinstagram #handspun #handspunyarn #fiberfeature #wemakeyarn #majacraft #majacraftaura #weepeggy #spinningwheelsofnewzealand

I’ve been pretty quiet lately on here as I’ve been busy working on a project for a Ply Magazine article for which doesn’t leave me a whole lot of new things to post here so I thought I’d share some oldies here that I haven’t shared to pass the time. This was taken on September 29th of 2011 the first day with my @majacraftnz Aura! I had been spinning for a bit over 4 years at that point and getting this wheel totally changed my outlook on spinning. It helped me improve so much due to having to relearn how everything worked going from Scotch Tension to Hybrid DD. Can’t believe I’ve had Aura for 7 years now! ❤️ #handspunstagram #spinstagram #igspinners #spinnersofinstagram #handspun #handspunyarn #fiberfeature #wemakeyarn #majacraft #majacraftaura