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Spinning with Turkish Spindles: Singles to Plying

My second Fiber Arts related course through FiberyGoodness. This self paced course can be started at any time, and has three sections: S...

Sunday, October 3, 2021

In addition to the floof from @longdrawjames, he also located the spindles he hadn’t sent me yet. The bowl and Supported Dealgan and UFO are all made of Granadillo. Next Is a Carob UFO on a Maple shaft and last is a Bolivian Supported Dealgan. Need to finish a few more projects and then I can start in on a flick spin. 😍 #spindlespinning #spindlersofinstagram #supportedspindle #supporteddealgan #dealgan #longdrawjamesspindles #woolenspinning

Last Wednesday an incredible package arrived from @longdrawjames. I wanted to try out some of his new fibers he’s added to the shop and WOW, they do not disappoint! Left to Right: 2 braids of Cormo, 2 braids of South American with black Viscose Nepps, Cormo, Double Sorted BFL(the nicest BFL I’ve ever seen!), Cheviot(for making tiny sweaters for my sheep plushie), and three braids of A1 quality Bombyx Silk. Everything is so incredibly beautiful. I definitely would like to get more of the Double Sorted BFL as it is hands down the finest quality I’ve ever felt. It’s so soft and has such a beautiful shine to it. 🥰 #longdrawjames #ashenflock #cormowool #bluefacedleicester #cheviotwool #bombyxsilk #mulberrysilk #handdyedwool #handdyedfiber #igspinnersinspiration #wemakeyarn #spinnersoftheworld #spinnersofinstagram #handspunwool #handspinnersofig #yarnspinnersofinstagram

The Falcon is everything I had hoped it would be! I was hoping for a wheel that would be even more ideal for spinning cotton than the Sparrow. This is how much #seaislandcotton I’ve spun between Friday and Saturday. #spinningyarn #handspun #handspinnersofinstagram #Spin15aday #easytospincotton #spinningcotton #cottonspinning #ashenflock #longdrawjames #electricspinningwheel #espinner #daedalusfalcon #daedalusspinningwheels