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Spinning with Turkish Spindles: Singles to Plying

My second Fiber Arts related course through FiberyGoodness. This self paced course can be started at any time, and has three sections: S...

Friday, September 30, 2022

Next layer of the last braid of the TdF gradient by @fossilfibers. These colors are so full of happiness. Makes me think of cranberry orange juice. The apron used as the background for this photo was made by @lidiacallanaupaalvarez of Chinchero. Purchased through @centro_textiles_cusco / @abbysyarns. #igspinnersinspiration #spinnersofinstagram #handspunwool #handspinnersofig #yarnspinnersofinstagram #wemakeyarn #spinnersoftheworld #spinningyarn #handspun #handspinnersofinstagram #spintoweave #daedalusspinningwheels #daedalusstarling #fossilfibers #fossilfiberstdf22

Contemplating my first flock spin for supported spindles. This was all instigated by the Bog Oak spindle from @spanish_peacock second spindle from the left. The Bog Oak is from Ukraine and I thought it would be nice to spin something blue and yellow to honor where it came from. These gorgeous Exploding TARDIS batts from @hipstrings will be such a wonderful spin for these spindles. I still have a few other projects on my plate I'd like to get done before I tackle this but needed a little bit of sunshine today so had to unwrap the batts for the first time and really admire them along with the spindles I hope to spin it with. #ukraine #standwithukraine #spanishpeacock #longdrawjames #longdrawjamesspindles #supportedspindle #supporteddealgan #creativewithclay #spindlespinning #spindlersofinstagram #igspinnersinspiration #wemakeyarn #spinnersoftheworld

Friday, September 23, 2022

I can't believe summer is over and we are now into fall. It's a bit bittersweet but I'm looking forward to some fall and Halloween festivities. Two of my favorite dyers made some personal seasonal colorways. @fossilfibers made adorable spin to knit pumpkin kits along with a gradient set that was inspired by a cute photo of little pumpkins. I may have talked @longdrawjames into creating a fall leaf colorway which I'll be spinning to knit into a fall weather Cameo shawl. The pumpkin kit will be made into a sweet little pumpkin for my Lucas the Spider. I also have some other fun festive ideas to spin for him. Speaking of Lucas... Dave of @daedalusspinningwheels gifted me this sweet little Peacock Spider!!!! Isn't he adorable?!?!?! I may have run around the house with him squeeing in excitement. I'm debating between naming him, Logan or Steve... #fossilfibers #longdrawjames #ashenflock #spinningyarn #handspun #handspinnersofinstagram #igspinners #handspunyarn #handspinning #yarnspinners #fossilfibersfall

A special delivery arrived from my dear friends @longdrawjames and @daedalusspinningwheels. In it contained all the best dyed fiber and a few other super special presents. Several of the braids of fiber were dyed in one of my all time favorite colorways Wrong Frog. This colorway was created through a frog species I suggested to James but we got our wires crossed and he dyed it after another frog that is within a similar color palette. I recently discovered nail stamping... haven't tried it yet but when I saw this frog plate from @hellomaniology I had to get it along with a few froggie colors from @orly. I'm hoping soon I'll have some Wrong Frog themed nails. #wrongfrog #ashenflock #longdrawjames #maniology #orly #igspinnersinspiration #wemakeyarn #spinnersoftheworld #spinnersofinstagram #handspunwool #handspinnersofig #yarnspinnersofinstagram