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Spinning with Turkish Spindles: Singles to Plying

My second Fiber Arts related course through FiberyGoodness. This self paced course can be started at any time, and has three sections: S...

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Day 10 of #wemakeyarn — Favorite Tool. You can’t make me choose!!!!!!! You can’t make me so I’ll tell you all about my favorite TOOL MAKERS! My top three makers in no particular order are Majacraft, Akerworks, and Jenkins. They have all had a profound affect on my experience as a spinner. When I got my Majacraft Aura I relearned how spinning work because it was so different than my Wee Peggy. It gave me such a better understanding and my spinning improved quickly and drastically. In that same period of time I also obtained my very first Jenkins a Turkish Delight that changed how I view spindle spinning. After I got my first wheel I was done spindle spinning. I thought, what’s the point? It’s a waste of time when I can wheel spin faster. I was in awe of photos of the beautiful wrapping and was impressed that I wouldn’t have to unwind/rewind to ply. Now Akerworks.... I think at this point I have more Akerworks tools than anything else. They are so bright, colorful, happy and insanely useful. The tools Adan and the team have designed are so much fun not only to work with but also to photograph. Some tools like the AkerKate are so multifaceted that I use it for multiple purposes plying both bobbins and spindles, spindle spinning, and now knitting! I recently acquired new Majacraft tools for processing my own fiber which is going to expand my creativity immensely as well. All of these tools have greatly impacted who I am as a fiber artist and so have the makers themselves which I consider them all dear friends. I chat with Adan often and help him test early prototypes which is always a ton of fun. His creativity and resourcefulness at creating tools to solve problems is incredible! I help out Jenkins with Tour de Fleece and chat with Wanda on occasion. I’m hoping so much to see Ed and Wanda this year at a festival, it’s been too long since I’ve seen them. I work for @fiberygoodness which has close ties with @majacraftnz. It gives me the opportunity to talk with Glynis and Andy Poad on occasion which is always a treat. I feel so fortunate to know these makers and to be able to use all of these tools because with them the possibilities are endless. ❤️

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