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Spinning with Turkish Spindles: Singles to Plying

My second Fiber Arts related course through FiberyGoodness. This self paced course can be started at any time, and has three sections: S...

Monday, August 31, 2020

Halfway through pattern three in this sampler. Oh my goodness this one gave me a run for my money! It’s a 24 row repeat and I got lost a few times along the way. I have one more repeat of this to go and then onto the next pattern! #weaving #weaversofinstagram #weaversofig #babymacomber #samplerweaving #floorloomweaver #floorloomweaving

Day 2 of Tour de Fleece PT 2. A closer view. Fiber is Capture the Flag by @threewatersfarm on my Magpie. #handspunstagram #spinstagram #igspinners #spinnersofinstagram #handspun #handspunyarn #fiberfeature #wemakeyarn #teamdaedalus2020 #tourdefleece #tourdefleece2020 #tdf2020 #3dprinting #threewatersfarm #twfaug20 #magpiespinner #daedalusmagpie

Day 2 of Tour de Fleece PT 2. Made some progress on Magpie. Would have done more but uh... weaving 🤣 Fiber is Capture the Flag by @threewatersfarm on my Magpie. #handspunstagram #spinstagram #igspinners #spinnersofinstagram #handspun #handspunyarn #fiberfeature #wemakeyarn #teamdaedalus2020 #tourdefleece #tourdefleece2020 #tdf2020 #3dprinting #threewatersfarm #twfaug20 #magpiespinner #daedalusmagpie

Second pattern of this sampler is done! I loved this second pattern. It was a lot of fun and amazing seeing how just a change in the order you treadle changes how the pattern plays out. Onto pattern three! #weaving #weaversofinstagram #weaversofig #babymacomber #samplerweaving #floorloomweaver #floorloomweaving

I love seeing the fabric as it goes over the front beam. ❤️ #weaving #weaversofinstagram #weaversofig #babymacomber #samplerweaving #floorloomweaver #floorloomweaving #twill #twillweaving #weavingtwill

Working through the second pattern for this sampler. This makes me so happy!!!!!! ❤️ #weaving #weaversofinstagram #weaversofig #babymacomber #samplerweaving #floorloomweaver #floorloomweaving #twill #twillweaving #weavingtwill

Day two of weaving this awesome sampler I picked up from @yarnbarnks. I am having soooooooo much FUN!!!!! All of the progress made today was during @charansachar’s livestream this morning. Yarn is 3/2 perle cotton from @websyarn. More photos to follow! #weaving #weaversofinstagram #weaversofig #babymacomber #samplerweaving #floorloomweaver #floorloomweaving #twill #twillweaving #weavingtwill

I love shooting flowers from below to see how the petals glow. ❤️ #flower #flowersofinstagram #floralphotography #flowerphotography #stargazerlily #stargazer #lilyflower #flowerpetals #flowerpetal #floralphotography #flowersmakemehappy

Sunday, August 30, 2020

It has been a lot of fun seeing all the guesses come in for how much the yarn weighed that I packed onto a single Magpie Standard bobbin. Dave estimated that this bobbin could hold somewhere around 18-20 oz. When I started spinning on the Magpie for the TinyStudio Creative Life Magazine Review I planned out enough projects to meet this estimate and had a few backup projects to add on just in case I had exceeded it. I was in awe over just how much I was able to fit on this bobbin. Braid after braid this wheel showed no restraint and it felt like it was the never-ending bobbin as I had to keep digging out more and more in hopes of finally meeting the outer edge of the bobbin whorl. I ended up fitting a grand total of 781.31g(27.56oz) onto the one Standard bobbin. I am in awe and still very much in disbelief that all of this once fit on just a single bobbin. I'm eager to fill another bobbin full! Our closest guess was @cashmereannie. She guessed 27.6oz! She wins a 1-year tinyStudio Subscription along with some sweet loot from @daedalusspinningwheels and @spottedewefibers . We will also be awarding two runner-ups Marie Clews and Tineke Uit Den Boogaard with a copy of Issue 8. Thank you so much for everyone who entered this contest! Magpie by @daedalusspinningwheels. #handspunstagram #spinstagram #igspinners #spinnersofinstagram #handspun #handspunyarn #fiberfeature #wemakeyarn #fiberyfun365 #spin15aday #magpiespinner #daedalusmagpie #electricspinningwheel #daedalusspinningwheels #3dprinting #fiberygoodness #tinystudiomagazine #tinystudiocreativelifemagazine

Day 1 of Tour de Fleece PT 2. A closer view of the progress on Magpie. Fiber is Capture the Flag by @threewatersfarm on my Magpie. #handspunstagram #spinstagram #igspinners #spinnersofinstagram #handspun #handspunyarn #fiberfeature #wemakeyarn #teamdaedalus2020 #tourdefleece #tourdefleece2020 #tdf2020 #3dprinting #threewatersfarm #twfaug20 #magpiespinner #daedalusmagpie

Day 1 of Tour de Fleece PT 2. Made some progress on Magpie. Fiber is Capture the Flag by @threewatersfarm on my Magpie. #handspunstagram #spinstagram #igspinners #spinnersofinstagram #handspun #handspunyarn #fiberfeature #wemakeyarn #teamdaedalus2020 #tourdefleece #tourdefleece2020 #tdf2020 #3dprinting #threewatersfarm #twfaug20 #magpiespinner #daedalusmagpie

Got a late start to Tour de Fleece Part 2 yesterday because uh loom stuff 🤣 here’s my starting point carrying on from what I was spinning during Part 1. Fiber is Capture the Flag by @threewatersfarm on my Magpie and Stained Glass by @spottedewefibers. #handspunstagram #spinstagram #igspinners #spinnersofinstagram #handspun #handspunyarn #fiberfeature #wemakeyarn #teamdaedalus2020 #tourdefleece #tourdefleece2020 #tdf2020 #3dprinting #threewatersfarm #twfaug20 #magpiespinner #daedalusmagpie #starlingxl #spottedewefibers

I want to go back and weave but I should probably do some Tour de Fleece spinning. 🤣 #weaving #weaversofinstagram #weaversofig #babymacomber #samplerweaving #floorloomweaver #floorloomweaving #twill #twillweaving #weavingtwill

These colors and patterning 🥰 #weaving #weaversofinstagram #weaversofig #babymacomber #samplerweaving #floorloomweaver #floorloomweaving #twill #twillweaving #weavingtwill

My first big project weaving! I’m part way through the first of 7 patterns used in this sampler. I’m so freaking excited with how this is going. #weaving #weaversofinstagram #weaversofig #babymacomber #samplerweaving #floorloomweaver #floorloomweaving #twill #twillweaving #weavingtwill

I’m addition to having fun weaving I’m also having fun finding out the best angles to photograph the weaving in progress. I definitely need to clean up the studio a bit more to take do wider shots too. #weaving #weaversofinstagram #weaversofig #babymacomber #samplerweaving #floorloomweaver #floorloomweaving

SQUEEEE!!!! These colors!!!!! ❤️ #weaving #weaversofinstagram #weaversofig #babymacomber #samplerweaving #floorloomweaver #floorloomweaving

Yesterday I warped up my big project for a sampler I picked up from @yarnbarnks. I’m using some 3/2 cotton I ordered from @websyarn which I’m absolutely loving! These colors make me sooooo happy! ❤️ #weaving #weaversofinstagram #weaversofig #babymacomber #samplerweaving #floorloomweaver #floorloomweaving

A closer view of my first Baby Mac project. ❤️ #weaving #weaversofinstagram #weaversofig #babymacomber #plainweave #floorloomweaver #floorloomweaving

Finished my first project on Baby Mac last Tuesday. It’s been quite the learning experience and I’m eager to keep on learning and weaving. ❤️ #weaving #weaversofinstagram #weaversofig #babymacomber #plainweave #floorloomweaver #floorloomweaving

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

I’m so excited that the review for the Magpie will be releasing this Friday!!!!!! If you aren't already a tinyStudio Magazine Subscriber if you sign up between now and Thursday you'll be able to get both Issue 7 our current issue as well as Issue 8 on launch day. We have been working on this review since the launch of Magpie. Originally it was just going to be a two-person review between myself and @woolwench sharing our experience spinning within our own given ranges of spinning. We then heard that there was a possibility that @longdrawjames was going to be testing the Ultra flyer and we knew we had to get James in on the review as well. We are so thankful that he jumped at the opportunity and we have had loads of fun chatting about all things Magpie. As part of our review, we all spun up the same colorway(Unicorn Fluff by @spottedewefibers) to be able to show a photo with all our yarns together showing the range of possibilities from the extreme fine frog hair that James spun to the fun bulkies that Suzy creates. It was incredible seeing all our yarns together. We'll have more photos of these beautiful yarns in the review as well as in an upcoming blog post. Also don't forget the deadline for the Guess the Weight contest is at the end of this Friday. Magpie by @daedalusspinningwheels. #handspunstagram #spinstagram #igspinners #spinnersofinstagram #handspun #handspunyarn #fiberfeature #wemakeyarn #fiberyfun365 #spin15aday #magpiespinner #daedalusmagpie #electricspinningwheel #daedalusspinningwheels #3dprinting #fiberygoodness #tinystudiomagazine #tinystudiocreativelifemagazine

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

While we eagerly await the release of Issue 8 of tinyStudio Creative Life Magazine, I wanted to announce we will now start our guess the weight of all the singles I crammed onto this Magpie Standard bobbin contest!!! I spent a whole 3 months packing on countless braids onto this bobbin in preparation for a joint review on this incredible wheel I wrote along with @woolwench and @longdrawjames that will be released in Issue 8. . We will allow one guess per person and the person closest to the correct amount will win a 1 Year Subscription to tinyStudio Creative Life Magazine as well as some other to be determined possibly fibery goodies. There will also be some runner up prizes as well. 😄 . To enter please submit an email with the subject "tinyStudio Contest - Magpie" to info@fiberygoodness.com and let us know your best guess for the total weight of yarn in either ounces or grams. Keep in mind that Dave estimated the Standard bobbin capacity to be about 18-20 oz. The only hint I'll give is that I passed that! The deadline for entry will be at the end of the day Issue 8 launches August 28th, 11:59 PM PST. Good luck everyone and I cannot wait to see the guesses! . . Magpie by @daedalusspinningwheels. #handspunstagram #spinstagram #igspinners #spinnersofinstagram #handspun #handspunyarn #fiberfeature #wemakeyarn #fiberyfun365 #spin15aday #magpiespinner #daedalusmagpie #electricspinningwheel #daedalusspinningwheels #3dprinting #fiberygoodness #tinystudiomagazine #tinystudiocreativelifemagazine