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Spinning with Turkish Spindles: Singles to Plying

My second Fiber Arts related course through FiberyGoodness. This self paced course can be started at any time, and has three sections: S...

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

I’m so excited that the review for the Magpie will be releasing this Friday!!!!!! If you aren't already a tinyStudio Magazine Subscriber if you sign up between now and Thursday you'll be able to get both Issue 7 our current issue as well as Issue 8 on launch day. We have been working on this review since the launch of Magpie. Originally it was just going to be a two-person review between myself and @woolwench sharing our experience spinning within our own given ranges of spinning. We then heard that there was a possibility that @longdrawjames was going to be testing the Ultra flyer and we knew we had to get James in on the review as well. We are so thankful that he jumped at the opportunity and we have had loads of fun chatting about all things Magpie. As part of our review, we all spun up the same colorway(Unicorn Fluff by @spottedewefibers) to be able to show a photo with all our yarns together showing the range of possibilities from the extreme fine frog hair that James spun to the fun bulkies that Suzy creates. It was incredible seeing all our yarns together. We'll have more photos of these beautiful yarns in the review as well as in an upcoming blog post. Also don't forget the deadline for the Guess the Weight contest is at the end of this Friday. Magpie by @daedalusspinningwheels. #handspunstagram #spinstagram #igspinners #spinnersofinstagram #handspun #handspunyarn #fiberfeature #wemakeyarn #fiberyfun365 #spin15aday #magpiespinner #daedalusmagpie #electricspinningwheel #daedalusspinningwheels #3dprinting #fiberygoodness #tinystudiomagazine #tinystudiocreativelifemagazine

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